Category Archives: Capacity Strengthening

A Perspective on the DHS Fellows Program from a 2013 Fellow

Written by: The DHS Program

30 Oct, 2014

By Simon Peter Kibira In 2013, I was a member of a three-person team from Makerere University selected to participate in the DHS Fellows Program along with four other teams from African universities. The DHS Fellows program is designed to increase the capacity of countries to conduct further analysis of DHS data. Over the course […]

Introducing: Sampling & Weighting at DHS

Written by: Mahmoud Elkasabi

24 Oct, 2014

In my travels as a DHS sampling statistician, I have met countless people who want to hear about the sampling techniques and procedures we use in DHS surveys. Recognizing this fact, we are working to incorporate more sampling-related capacity strengthening activities at The DHS Program. The feedback we get after these activities has only encouraged […]

Reflections on the DHS Curriculum workshop in Malawi

Written by: The DHS Program

14 Oct, 2014

By James Kaphuka In July, I facilitated my fourth DHS Curriculum workshop. It was also the second time I had trained graduate students from the University of Malawi, Chancellor College. The DHS Curriculum Facilitator’s Guide is a comprehensive package of ready-made training materials about understanding and using Demographic and Health Survey reports.  The curriculum is […]