Tag Archives: Weighting

Luminare: Providing Sample Weights for Multilevel Analysis while Protecting Confidentiality

Written by: The DHS Program

07 Oct, 2020

The DHS Program recently published a Methodological Report providing a framework for estimating “level-weights” in DHS surveys – weights that correspond to each stage of sampling. These weights are required for multilevel modeling. While the audience for the framework itself is academic researchers, the challenge of protecting respondent confidentiality while supporting data analysis is of […]

Sampling and Weighting with DHS Data

Written by: Mahmoud Elkasabi

16 Sep, 2015

At long last, The DHS Program has released two videos which demonstrate how to weight DHS data, concluding the Sampling and Weighting video series. The first video in the series, Introduction to DHS Sampling Procedures, as well as the second video, Introduction of Principles of DHS Sampling Weights, explained the basic concepts of sampling and weighting […]

Introducing: Sampling & Weighting at DHS

Written by: Mahmoud Elkasabi

24 Oct, 2014

In my travels as a DHS sampling statistician, I have met countless people who want to hear about the sampling techniques and procedures we use in DHS surveys. Recognizing this fact, we are working to incorporate more sampling-related capacity strengthening activities at The DHS Program. The feedback we get after these activities has only encouraged […]