Women’s Lives and Challenges

Written by: Sally Zweimueller

07 Mar, 2014

The Women’s Lives and Challenges: Empowerment and Equality since 2000 report assesses progress made toward gender equality and women’s empowerment since the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were adopted in 2000. It summarizes findings from 95 surveys conducted by  in 47 countries from 2000 to 2011. Data on trends are available for 33 countries that hosted […]

What’s in a Name?

Written by: Sunita Kishor

03 Mar, 2014

The Demographic and Health Surveys Program, 2013-2018 For those of us who have worked with the Demographic and Health Surveys over the last 30 years, we usually just say “the” when we talk about them.  As in, “I work at”, or “I used data”, or “They’re doing a”.  In 1998, the Demographic and Health Surveys […]

Anthropometry measurement (height and weight) is a core component of DHS surveys that is used to generate indicators on nutritional status. The Biomarker Questionnaire now includes questions on clothing and hairstyle interference on measurements for both women and children for improved interpretation.