Learn how to Sample like a DHS Statistician

Many projects provide statistical training, but what makes The DHS Program’s capacity strengthening program unique is its ability to use state-of-the-art training approaches. Building on past workshops, eLearning tools, and well-received feedback, we are pleased to announce the release of a new DHS Survey Sampling eLearning course designed for broader public consumption.
In order to meet the overwhelming demand for sampling trainings, the first DHS Survey Sampling eLearning course was designed and conducted from June 19 to September 30, 2017, with a total of 32 participants from 16 countries completing the course. Participants were affiliated with various institutions such as National Statistics Offices, National Malaria Control Programs, National Center for HIV/AIDS Programs, universities, and non-governmental organizations.
Registration for the 2018 DHS Survey Sampling eLearning course is now open and applications will be accepted through April 20, 2018. This 8-week course begins May 1 and ends June 29, 2018. Prior knowledge of DHS surveys is beneficial, but not essential. However, all participants should have demonstrable basic statistical knowledge and computer skills in Excel prior to the training. Participants must be able to understand and communicate in English.
The eLearning course equips participants with the knowledge, tools, and abilities to design samples for population surveys, such as DHS surveys. While DHS surveys are the focus of the course, the acquired skills can also be used for other types of surveys. Participants can virtually participate in the course at their own pace within the 8-week timeframe from anywhere in the world.
The eLearning course also includes a discussion forum to promote participant interaction and peer-to-peer learning. Participants will share reflections on the learned course content and get feedback from facilitators. At the completion of the course, participants will still be able to access the course and resources at any time.
Apply for the 2018 DHS Survey Sampling eLearning course today!
Let us know if you have any questions about the eLearning course in the comments section below. Don’t forget to subscribe to The DHS Program newsletter for updates on our digital tools, surveys, and more!
Photo captions: Screenshots of the eLearning course
Written by: Abibata Handley & Mahmoud Elkasabi
Ms. Handley has more than 17 years of experience in designing and implementing training and capacity-building activities to support programs providing assistance in less developed settings. She has extensive knowledge of adult learning theories, including participatory methods, and has planned and/or conducted training activities using eLearning and online tools. As the Capacity Building and Trainer Advisor at Management Sciences for Health (MSH), Ms. Handley was responsible for supporting the development and implementation of a comprehensive capacity-strengthening program for the USAID-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Health Services (SIAPS) program. Ms. Handley has experience in working on capacity strengthening and training programs in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda. Ms. Handley has an M.A. in International Development and Intercultural Training.
Dr. Elkasabi is a Sampling Statistician at The DHS Program. He joined The DHS Program in 2013 after earning his Ph.D. in Survey Methodology from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, with a specialty in Survey Statistics and Sampling. Dr. Elkasabi is responsible for the sampling design for the DHS surveys as well as building sampling capacity in many countries, such as Ghana, Egypt, Nigeria, India, Malawi, Zambia, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. Dr. Elkasabi likes to work closely with the sampling statisticians in different countries. In these win-win relationships, he shares his knowledge in sampling and gains new knowledge & experiences.
Sou Estaticista e Gestor de Informação, formado pela Universidade Pedagógica de Moçambique, trabalho como técnico de amostragem a 4 anos no Instituto Nacional de Estatística de Moçambique. Aqui calculo o tamanho da amostra, desenho a metodologia de amostragem e supervisiono inquéritos feitos por amostragem. Tenho tido sessões de amostragem através de worksops feito aqui em Moçambique e com consultores que tem vindo aqui para algum estudo. Antes de mais quero agradecer imenso ao Dr. Elkasabi pela oportunidade e acredito que vai ser uma boa experiencia participar nesse treinamento de amostragem on-line oferecido pelo programa DHS.
I am a Statistician and Information Manager, graduated from the Pedagogical University of Mozambique, working as a 4-year sampling technician at the National Institute of Statistics of Mozambique. Here I calculate the size of the sample, design the methodology of sampling and supervise surveys done by sampling. I have had sampling sessions through worksops done here in Mozambique with consultants who have come here for some study. First of all I want to thank Dr. Elkasabi immensely for the opportunity and I believe it will be a good experience to participate in this online sampling training offered by the DHS program. Here I am responsible for calculating the sample size for inquiries, drawing sampling methodology for inquiries, supervising the data collection, after collecting data, cleaning the database and finally inserting weighting into the database for analysis.