Tag Archives: anthropometry

New Resources Provide Updated Guidance on Biomarker Collection in DHS-8

Written by: The DHS Program

28 Sep, 2021

The DHS Program is pleased to announce the availability of the Biomarker Manual: Training Program for Measuring and Testing for Biomarkers and the DHS Height Standardization Tool on The DHS Program website. The Biomarker Manual aligns with DHS-8 standard materials and policies representing the most up-to-date procedures. Standard measures in DHS surveys include height/length, weight, and […]

Collecting Quality Anthropometric Data in The DHS Program

Written by: The DHS Program

14 May, 2020

The DHS Program has been a leading source of anthropometric (height and weight) data for more than 30 years. Measurements are collected from children, women, and men in some surveys. This information enables countries to make data-driven decisions and to monitor their progress in improving nutritional status and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The DHS […]