New Online Course: Essential Statistical Concepts for Understanding DHS Program Data

What is the difference between a percentage and a percent distribution? What about a mean and a median? How do rates and ratios differ? Essential Statistical Concepts for Understanding DHS Program Data is a new open course for anyone who wants to familiarize themselves with the most commonly used statistics found in tables in DHS Program household-based surveys.
Available for free with a simple registration on the DHS Program Learning Hub, this self-paced course will give you the skills you need to correctly and confidently cite DHS Program data.
In Essential Statistical Concepts for Understanding DHS Program Data, participants will:

- Review definitions of basic statistical terms (percentage, prevalence, percent distribution, mean, median, rate, ratio)
- Identify the statistical measures used for indicators in DHS Program tables
- Practice calculating basic statistics
- Learn about sampling errors, confidence intervals, statistical significance, and standard deviation and how to apply these concepts when interpreting DHS Program data
Learn on your own schedule and expect to spend 1-2 hours to complete this course. After taking Essential Statistical Concepts for Understanding DHS Program Data, participants will be able to confidently interpret tables and correctly cite DHS data and use DHS data to inform program and policy decision making. To register and access the course, click the button below, create a new Learning Hub account, and get ready to learn!
I am interested in the online course
Great! Just follow this link to register and take the course on your own time!
I am also interested to learn more in the DHS sampling techniques and analysis methods.
Great! Check out The DHS Program YouTube channel for tutorial videos, and watch our social media channels for announcements about future workshop and course offerings!
Great!! I would definitely join this course to keep myself uptodate with essential concepts for understanding DHS program data.