Tag Archives: capacity strengthening

Mentored Papers: Diving Deeper into DHS Program Data 

Written by: The DHS Program

20 Nov, 2024

The DHS Program collects and disseminates population, health, and nutrition data, but did you know The DHS Program also helps people access and use data? Stronger analytical capacity will enhance evidence-based decision making in countries worldwide. The DHS Program provides a variety of capacity strengthening opportunities, from open self-guided online courses on the DHS Program […]

Anatomy of an Indicator: Guide to DHS Statistics

Written by: The DHS Program

14 Feb, 2024

DHS Program data are collected so they can be used to guide programs and policies to improve health and well-being. In addition to making DHS Program data publicly available free of charge, The DHS Program also provides tools to help data users better understand, interpret, and use DHS Program data. The recently released Guide to […]

Nouveau Cours en Ligne Disponible en Français : Cours sur les indicateurs de Nutrition des Enquêtes EDS

Written by: The DHS Program

14 Nov, 2023

La nutrition est le fondement de la santé de du développement. Le suivi des indicateurs nutritionnels est essentiel pour atteindre l’objectif de développement durable n° 2, faim « zéro », assurer la sécurité alimentaire et une meilleure nutrition et promouvoir l’agriculture durable. Le cours sur les indicateurs de nutrition des enquêtes EDS est le dernier cours ouvert […]

Putting Values into Practice: The DHS Program’s Capacity Strengthening Approach of Equitable Partnership

Written by: EnCompass

30 Aug, 2023

Given the scale, complexity, and standardized nature of survey operations, how does The DHS Program center local priorities, strengthen local capacity, and build equitable partnerships throughout the survey process? Looking into the mirror: recognizing our positionality As the capacity strengthening partners on The DHS Program, EnCompass staff spend time thinking about how to reinforce the […]

Cours pour les utilisateurs de bases de données EDS : nouveau cours en ligne maintenant disponible en français

Written by: The DHS Program

09 May, 2023

Don’t read French? You can use the translate feature at the top of the page! (English speakers: You may need to set the language to French first, before you can see the English language option.) Le DHS Program a ajouté un nouveau cours en ligne maintenant disponible en français parmi la liste des cours disponibles gratuitement […]

Call for Applications: 2022 DHS Program Health Data Mapping Online Course

Written by: The DHS Program

14 Feb, 2022

The DHS Program is hosting another Health Data Mapping online course on The DHS Program Learning Hub. The 12-week course focuses on the application of geographic information systems (GIS) in public health, specifically using maps for better program and policy decision making. Participants will be introduced to GIS concepts, manage and clean data in Microsoft […]

New Online Course: Introduction to DHS Nutrition Indicators

Written by: The DHS Program

26 Jan, 2022

Nutrition is a cornerstone of health and development. Tracking nutrition indicators is key to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.  Introduction to Nutrition Indicators in DHS Surveys, the latest open course offered on The DHS Program Learning Hub, is available for free with […]

Nouveaux Cours en Ligne Disponibles en Français: Introduction au DHS Program et Interprétation des Tendances des Indicateurs du Paludisme

Written by: The DHS Program

15 Dec, 2021

Don’t read French? You can use the translate feature at the top of the page! (English speakers: You may need to set the language to French first, before you can see the English language option.) Le Centre d’Apprentissage du DHS Program offre aux utilisateurs mondiaux de nombreuses ressources en ligne pour appuyer les activités d’enquêtes […]

New Online Course: Essential Statistical Concepts for Understanding DHS Program Data

Written by: The DHS Program

24 Nov, 2021

What is the difference between a percentage and a percent distribution? What about a mean and a median? How do rates and ratios differ? Essential Statistical Concepts for Understanding DHS Program Data is a new open course for anyone who wants to familiarize themselves with the most commonly used statistics found in tables in DHS Program household-based surveys. Available for free with a simple registration on the DHS Program Learning Hub, this self-paced course will give you […]

New Online Course: Essential Reading and Understanding The DHS Program Tables

Written by: The DHS Program

03 Nov, 2021

The DHS Program’s Final Reports include comprehensive survey results. The most important findings are highlighted in the chapter text and figures, though not every finding is discussed or displayed graphically. Therefore, it is important for DHS data users to feel comfortable reading and interpreting the statistical tables included in every Final Report, which can look […]