Tag Archives: SPA survey

Luminare: Piloting the Revised SPA

Written by: The DHS Program

17 Jul, 2024

The Service Provision Assessment (SPA) is a health facility-based survey that was recently revised to address the increasing need for data about the quality of care in health facilities. The new SPA collects information on available health services as well as Quality of Care (QoC) measures that assess both structural and process quality. Structural quality […]

DHS Data Support Breastfeeding among Working Parents

Written by: The DHS Program

01 Aug, 2023

Breastfeeding provides a range of benefits to children and their mothers. Benefits of breastfeeding include protecting children from disease, supporting their healthy growth and development, and reducing the risk of some cancers for mothers. Protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding requires data to inform and drive action. The first week of August is World Breastfeeding Week. […]

How SPA Surveys Support Countries to Prevent Child and Maternal Death

Written by: The DHS Program

26 Jul, 2023

USAID recently released the Framework for Preventing Child and Maternal Death 2023-2030, building on the achievements and lessons learned from the past decade to provide a roadmap for the future: a world where all women, newborns, and children survive, are healthy, and are able to develop and reach their full potential. The new Service Provision […]

DHS Program Analysis Updates: Fall 2022

Written by: The DHS Program

23 Nov, 2022

The DHS Program Research and Analysis team has recently published and presented innovative research that analyzes new DHS data or employs novel approaches with existing DHS data to answer the following research questions. How does living with a disability vary within and across countries and are there associations between living with a disability and reproductive […]

Introducing the Revised Service Provision Assessment (SPA) 

Written by: The DHS Program

13 May, 2022

The DHS Program recently revised the Service Provision Assessment (SPA) survey questionnaires. The SPA is a health facility-based survey that collects information on Quality of Care (QoC), including physical and human resources, as well as the provision of evidence-based care and client-centered and respectful experience of care. All surveys supported by The DHS Program, the […]

Service Provision Assessments Shed Light on Health Facility Readiness to Control COVID-19

Written by: The DHS Program

27 May, 2020

Are facilities prepared to face infectious disease pandemics like COVID-19? A new fact sheet explores infection control and readiness in health facilities from seven Service Provision Assessments (SPA) conducted in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Nepal, Senegal, and Tanzania. The SPA collects information on the availability of different health services in a […]

DHS Data Users: Insights on Health System Quality from the Service Provision Assessments

Written by: The DHS Program

21 Mar, 2019

© 2017 Magali Rochat/VectorWorks, Courtesy of Photoshare This new blog series, DHS Data Users, captures examples of how you, the data user, have incorporated data from DHS, MIS, and/or SPA surveys into your analyses, at your institution, or to influence policies or programs. If you are interested in being featured in the ‘DHS Data Users’ […]