50 Years, 50 Data Users: Fighting Diseases, Reporting on Progress, Improving Health with DHS Data

Written by: The DHS Program

25 May, 2022

2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the World Fertility Survey (WFS). Since the beginning of the year, we have been celebrating USAID’s commitment to high-quality data collection, evidence-based decision making, and host-country ownership by featuring a selection of 50 program managers, policy makers, journalists, researchers, and others from across the globe who use WFS and […]

Introducing the Revised Service Provision Assessment (SPA) 

Written by: The DHS Program

13 May, 2022

The DHS Program recently revised the Service Provision Assessment (SPA) survey questionnaires. The SPA is a health facility-based survey that collects information on Quality of Care (QoC), including physical and human resources, as well as the provision of evidence-based care and client-centered and respectful experience of care. All surveys supported by The DHS Program, the […]

Reproductive Calendar Data Now Available in Easy-to-Use Format from IPUMS DHS

Written by: The DHS Program

20 Apr, 2022
Community health worker Agnes Apid (L) with Betty Akello (R) and Caroline Akunu (center). Agnes is providing the women with counseling and family planning information. The women are member of the Income generating activities Young Mothers Group that make fried cakes and sell them in the market. They can now be more financially independent and provide for their family. The program is supported by Reproductive Health Uganda, with the goal to empower the women in the group, and provide them with family planning information.

For many DHS Program surveys, interviewers collect reproductive calendar data from women of childbearing age. These retrospective data provide a month-to-month history of a woman’s reproductive events during the preceding five years. Researchers use the calendar data for many purposes, such as exploring the reasons for contraception discontinuation, identifying discrete clusters of women based on […]

The Evolution of The DHS Program Tableau Dashboard 

Written by: The DHS Program

07 Apr, 2022

2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the start of the World Fertility Survey (WFS). USAID created The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program in 1984 as a follow-on project to the WFS. To visualize the history and impact of 50 years of USAID’s dedication to high-quality data collection, evidence-based decision making, and host-country ownership, The […]

Lower Fertility Rates Key to Slower Population Growth

Written by: The DHS Program

30 Mar, 2022

Between 1970 and 2020, population growth slowed, and the world median age went up. This was due more to decreased fertility than declines in mortality. In some regions of the world, migration also played a factor. A new paper from The DHS Program examines data from the 2019 revision of World Population Prospects* to determine […]

50 Years, 50 Data Users: Celebrating 50 Years of Data Changing Lives

Written by: The DHS Program

23 Feb, 2022

DHS data users come from all over the world. Click on a marker on the map below to learn more about the first 10 featured data users. Lifelong user of WFS and DHS Program data Jacob A. Adetunji Current role: Deputy Director for Data (FP), Global Development Division, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation How I have […]

Call for Applications: 2022 DHS Program Health Data Mapping Online Course

Written by: The DHS Program

14 Feb, 2022

The DHS Program is hosting another Health Data Mapping online course on The DHS Program Learning Hub. The 12-week course focuses on the application of geographic information systems (GIS) in public health, specifically using maps for better program and policy decision making. Participants will be introduced to GIS concepts, manage and clean data in Microsoft […]

New Online Course: Introduction to DHS Nutrition Indicators

Written by: The DHS Program

26 Jan, 2022

Nutrition is a cornerstone of health and development. Tracking nutrition indicators is key to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.  Introduction to Nutrition Indicators in DHS Surveys, the latest open course offered on The DHS Program Learning Hub, is available for free with […]

Nouveaux Cours en Ligne Disponibles en Français: Introduction au DHS Program et Interprétation des Tendances des Indicateurs du Paludisme

Written by: The DHS Program

15 Dec, 2021

Don’t read French? You can use the translate feature at the top of the page! (English speakers: You may need to set the language to French first, before you can see the English language option.) Le Centre d’Apprentissage du DHS Program offre aux utilisateurs mondiaux de nombreuses ressources en ligne pour appuyer les activités d’enquêtes […]

The DHS Program and the International Year of Fruit and Vegetables

Written by: The DHS Program

08 Dec, 2021

The United Nations General Assembly has declared 2021 as the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables. The consumption of fruit and vegetables supports healthy growth and development in young children by providing important nutrients. Regular fruit and vegetable consumption throughout life can also help prevent noncommunicable diseases during adulthood.  In 2021 the World Health Organization (WHO) and United […]

Anthropometry measurement (height and weight) is a core component of DHS surveys that is used to generate indicators on nutritional status. The Biomarker Questionnaire now includes questions on clothing and hairstyle interference on measurements for both women and children for improved interpretation.